Archive for April, 2008

Ben Jelen preview
Ben Jelen Martyrs, Chicago Sunday, April 6, 2008 Scottish-born singer-songwriter Ben Jelen can’t decide whether he wants to be a musician or save the world. He’s determined to try his hand at both, but listening to his sophomore effort, Ex-Sensitive (Custard), one wonders if he’s stretching himself too thin.

Cherryholmes preview
Cherryholmes Raue Center, Crystal Lake Tuesday, April 8, 2008 Next time you go to a concert and complain about the opening acts, spend too much on drinks, drink too much, and forget most the evening’s highlights by the time the headache wears off the next morning, think of the Cherryholmes family. They went to a […]

Dreams Destroyed
Fire burns music venue/eatery in Lockport hotel Dreams Sports Bar & Eatery, which was located in the same building as the historic Towpath Inn (935 S. State, Lockport), burnt to the ground in a fire early Tuesday, April 1st. A man, believed to be a resident of the hotel, died in the blaze.

Dismember reviewed
Dismember untitled (Regain) They don’t get as much credit as Entombed — rightfully so — for shaping Swedish death metal, and in turn “death ‘n’ roll,” but Dismember were side-by-side in the trenches during the early days. It’s only fitting the band make a full return to the early days on their new album.

Outlaws Rise Again?
Various Artists Outlaw Country (Legacy) Amazingly, “outlaw country” has failed to be legitimately co-opted. Rap has proven you can buy your way in and out of being gangsta, but country fans have always separated white-trash chic from legit white trash. Crossing the fence can rack you: No one considers Hank Williams Jr. to be anymore […]

Avantasia reviewed
Avantasia The Scarecrow (Nuclear Blast) Give it to Tobias Sammet – Edguy frontman and Avantasia mastermind – for being ballsy: On a record of mostly four-to-six minute songs, he puts the only epic, the 11-minute title track, second in the sequence.

Be Your Own Pet reviewed
Be Your Own Pet Get Awkward (Ecstatic Peace/Universal) How do you defend against a band who pop off “I don’t wanna grow up” in their second album’s second verse — especially when they aren’t Toys R Us kids? Appearing: Thursday, June 12th at House Of Blues in Chicago.
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