Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Neva Dinova preview

| April 30, 2008

Neva Dinova
Schubas, Chicago
Thursday, May 1, 2008


Saddle Creek Records has always seemed a youthful label, largely because of Conor Oberst but also from recent signings like Tokyo Police Club. Neva Dinova, new to the imprint as well, have been around the block often enough to sketch its topography from memory.

On only their third album despite a 15-year career in various incarnations, Neva Dinova nevertheless sound exhausted. You May Already Be Dreaming adds a severe resignation to their slowcore roots. It’s important to point out this doesn’t signify boredom or defeatism; their textures and nuances add a sense of whimsy where a worse outfit would dully spell the doldrums out. Vocal harmonies synthesize organically, almost by accident on the otherwise frustrated “It’s Hard To Love You,” and “Will The Ladies Send You Flowers” turns Richard Hawley’s riverfront rockabilly into a cynical taunt. Built To Spill might have covered territory like “Clouds,” but they never so desperately begged the sky to open up.

The lone, upbeat cut is provocatively called “What You Want,” and while its pace is an ironic relief, it’s also a tell: Speed ND up, and all you get is mud. And these guys already have had enough dirt caked under their nails.

The Little Ones and Ladyhawk also perform.

— Steve Forstneger

Click here to download “Clouds.”

Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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