Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

The Tossers preview

| March 12, 2008

The Tossers
Metro, Chicago
Friday, March 14, 2008


St. Patrick’s Day is Monday, March 17th for most people, but for Tossers fans it’s Friday night.

If you plan on dropping by Metro that evening, there is no use making plans for Monday, anyway. The hangover you suffer from this show will likely still have you useless by the 17th, at least if the show goes the way The Tossers hope. It should be interesting to see what kind of shape T. Duggins and his South Side crew are in by the time they finally walk (stumble?) onstage. The 8 p.m. start time isn’t all that late, but three openers surely gives the raucous Irish folkies plenty of time to quench their thirsts next door at The Gingerman (Who can blame ’em? Six bucks for a Miller Lite at Metro!), whose whiskey shots Duggins blames on the group’s new live CD/DVD package, Gloatin’ And Showboatin’ Live On St. Patrick’s Day (Victory), for making him “halfway fucking retarded” by mid-set. But, as that 2006 night proves, the beauty of The Tossers is the drunker they get, the better they are, and the more fun we all have, so bring on the Buckets Of Beer!

Deals Gone Bad, The Arrivals, and Kevin Flynn & The Avondale Ramblers (featuring mandolin player Andy Gerber, who has produced The Tossers’ last two studio records) open.

– Trevor Fisher

Click here for streaming Tossers samples.

Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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