Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

State Of The City Address

| January 23, 2008

How does Chicago rank as a music town compared to industry havens New York and Los Angeles and smaller, yet powerful centers of the biz like Austin and Nashville?

Find out at a panel discussion sponsored by the nonprofit Chicago Music Commission on Thursday, January 24th at 6 p.m. in the Harris Theater For Music And Dance at Millennium Park, located at 205 E. Randolph.

The panel will present the findings of a comprehensive economic impact study published last summer, entitled “Chicago: Music City.” Conducted by the Cultural Policy Center at the University Of Chicago, the year-long study compares the music industries and music communities of the country’s 50 most populous cities.

Commissioned by the 2-year-old advocacy group, the CMC, the study illustrates to Mayor Richard Daley and the rest of City Hall the imprint musicians and their peripheral industries make in terms of dollars and cents on Chicago in areas such as tourism.

The study’s authors, Dan Silver and Sarah Lee, as well as representatives from the city’s diverse collection of promoters, venue owners, record label executives will be on hand for this free event. The Hideout’s Tim Tuten, Chicago Federation Of Musicians President Gary Matts, the Department Of Tourism’s Laura Chmielewski, and entertainment attorney Heather M. Nelson-Beverly are all scheduled to attend.

— Janine Schaults

Category: News, Weekly

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