Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Small Sins reviewed

| October 24, 2007

Small Sins
Mood Swings


Next time you bring a ruler to hip-hop’s knuckles for glorifying guns, you might consider stopping by electro pop for a swat or two.

On Small Sins’ 2006 debut, you never would have pegged Thomas D’Arcy for the NRA type. Its cozy pop was nice to snuggle up to after an hour dry humping to labelmate Hot Chip. But along with Mood Swings‘ loaded artwork comes the posturing of “You know I’d shoot you/if I only had a gun.” But it’s all so deceptive. Miles away from threatening, Mood Swings invites you closer and manipulates firearms as limited albeit powerful metaphors in physical, mental, and sexual tensions. The sensuality is reserved mostly for the soundtrack, which still errs on the side of warm, indie electro pop though now it gleans thrusting momentum from a distorted synth bass. Beneath this lies the desperation of a worried parent, a rejected lover, and the plain rash. What’s ironic is D’Arcy opens, “If you give me the gun/Well, I’ll shoot myself in the foot.” He never does.


— Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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