Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Studio Happenings

| June 28, 2007

At CLEANCUT RECORDING STUDIO in Palatine, How Bright The Sky recorded a single entitled “Typewriter” that was produced by Tony D. . . . Pow! Right In The Kisser worked on their full length, Knuckle Up, with Tony D. . . . Men Dream Of Flying worked on pre-production.

At THE DRAKE in Chicago, studio owner Anthony Gravinoi finished mixing a jazz record for bassist Matt Ulery. Featured on the record are Rob Clearfield, Zach Brock, Thad Franklin, Tim Haldeman, and Grazyna Auguscik . . . Champaign band Elsinore worked on a new EP. Gravinoi is co-producing the material with Adam Schmitt . . . Gravinoi, along with co-owner Michael Caskey, are also composing/producing a score for Zephyr Dance Company.

At GALLERY OF CARPET RECORDING STUDIO in Villa Park, Sars Flannery completed his debut full-length, Sale Of The Century, with producer Brian Zieske . . . The Mid-Summer Derby worked on their EP, expected out by August . . . Smallwire officially completed their full-length, scheduled to be released this fall . . . Lo-Fi Pioneer completed their EP, due out this summer . . . Chicago-based Dorian Minor started pre-production with Zieske on their second full length; tracking will start in the winter.

At Linder Avenue Recording in Roselle, Micah Holland tracked and mixed various percussion tracks. Dom Palmisano engineered the sessions . . . The Rick And George Show also worked on new material.

At M-Studios in Galena, Underground Trio recorded a new CD with engineers Andy Steil and Adam Alexander . . . Bob Coine continued work on music for his Building Whitetail Paradise DVD series . . . Starting this month M-Studios will offer classes in audio engineering, digital recording, and electronic music production.

At Planet10studios in Barrington, Madison, Wisconsin band Innatrance came in to work on a five-song demo with owner/producer Jim Johnson. The project was engineered and produced by Johnson, mixed by Johnson and Harry Brotman, and mastered by Brotman . . . Paper Street Company is finishing their debut full-length CD, yet to be titled, and set for a late summer/early fall release . . . Slipstream recorded four additional songs to add to the seven previously recorded tracks that make up their third release . . . Ben Abney, lead guitarist for Christian artist Randy Stonehill, tracked four songs for his debut CD. Drum and bass duties were performed by Randi Scott and Steve Mitchell, respectively . . . Surf/punk rockers Automatic Stinging Machine from Boston/Chicago tracked a six-song demo. Mixing was done by Jeremy Page . . . Jazz/fusion/jam band Third Movement from Crystal Lake knocked out a five-song demo tracked live with minor overdubs of additional instruments . . . Acoustic band Curbside, a trio form Chicago comprising two acoustic guitarists and a cellist, completed their full length, which will be released this summer.

At SHIRK MUSIC + SOUND in Chicago, Cries Tiger completed work on their latest EP . . . Stephen Shirk produced the first track, “Here We Go,” off Yuri Lane‘s (local Chicago beatbox artist) debut full length, Human Beatbox . . . Newcomers The Lix finished tracking and mixing their first EP . . . Butterfly Assassins worked on their first full length release, due out on Old Flame Records mid-summer . . . Shirk and his staff have mixed tracks for local funk band Eli Jones as well as remixed tunes for Tina Cox.

Category: Columns, Monthly, Studiophile

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