Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

HotHouse Goes Cold

| June 27, 2007

Chicago’s famed cultural institution, HotHouse, shuts the doors of its South Loop location at 31 E. Balbo Drive at the end of July. Monday’s announcement came on the heels of a settlement in the 2005 lawsuit the Center For International Performance And Exhibition filed against the building’s landlord.

“The landlord presented the organization with an opportunity to move out and move on in a way that the organization simply could not refuse,” said outgoing board president and HotHouse attorney Martin J. Bishop, in a statement.

The search for an alternative, permanent location is underway centering on a capital campaign, according to business manager Marc Harris and the Chicago Tribune. Celebrating its 20th year, HotHouse played home to an eclectic roster of performing and visual artists and cultural events.

“HotHouse has been fortunate enough to reside in the South Loop for many years. HotHouse moved into the South Loop well before the neighborhood took off in popularity. It is now time to move this great institution forward,” said Bishop.

— Janine Schaults

Category: News, Weekly

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