International Pop Overthrow Preview
International Pop Overthrow
Various Clubs, Chicago
April 13 – 28, 2007

Entering its sixth year, International Pop Overthrow will cycle 125 power pop bands through Abbey Pub, Elbo Room, Double Door, and Wise Fools Pub in a matter of 16 days.
The annual festival’s roster seems to be missing a couple of repeat offenders for 2007 — IE just doesn’t know what to do without our yearly, sticker-infested Sparklejets package — though in its favor is a more compact schedule. With only one night at the Double Door, power pop addicts can focus their wagon train to stop at Wise Fools and Elbo (conveniently both on Lincoln Ave.) before barrelling up to the Abbey in Albany Park. Anyone who wants a night off can take solace in the bevy of afternoon showcases this spring (14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd) and the unexpected gems hidden elsewhere.
For our money we might recommend Guided By Voices-loving The Prime Ministers (2:30 p.m. on the 15th at Wise Fools), Chicago lovelies Dolly Varden (10:30 on the 17th at Abbey), metal fencesitters Enuff Z’Nuff (11:15 on the 19th at Double Door), or the aggressive harmonies of Fig (7:30 on the 22nd at Elbo Room).
For the full schedule (which would be helpful with band links), click here.
— Steve Forstneger
Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly
I just wanted to drop you a line of thanks for mentioning the Fig show in your article! We can’t wait to come to Chicago and play- if you’re there please c’mon up and say hi – I’d like to buy ya a beer!
Sincere thanks,
Matt Fig
As long as we’re talking about it –
I would say the Abbey is located in the eastern fringe of Portage Park as opposed to the western boundaries of Albany Park.
Chicago neighborhoods for $500, Alex….
Just wanted to add our website for anyone who wants to check us out on the 22nd…
David Bash of IPO works his tail off to put together 2 great weeks of pop music every year. We’ve been lucky to have been a part of this festival for the past 6 years, and look forward to our show on 4/28 at the Abbey Pub. It’s an all-ages afternoon show too…so bring the kids!