Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Update: Lovato Not To Be Charged

| March 27, 2007

Mest Frontman Free On Bail


The Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday, March 27th that Tony Lovato, 26, singer for the disbanded Chicago pop punk group Mest, will not be charged with murder in the stabbing death of his ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend.

According to Reuters (via, Lovato was held on $1 million bond after allegedly confessing to police how he killed an ex-girlfriend’s new mate. Lt. Andrew Neiman of the LAPD told the press “At some point, Mr. Lovato produced a knife and the victim was stabbed,” referring to 26-year-old Wayne Hughes, whom Lovato claimed to be assaulted by earlier in the day.


Nieman added police were called to the scene of the crime to break up a fight between Lovato and Hughes the previous night. No arrests were made.

On Tuesday, police announced that there was insufficient evidence to prove Lovato had not acted in self defense. The police report states that Hughes punched Lovato first, who then retaliated with a pocket knife. Hughes died of stab wounds later.

Mest released four albums on Maverick Records, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. run by Madonna. They broke up in 2006.

— Steve Forstneger

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