Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Studio Happenings

| December 29, 2006

At ARS STUDIOS in Alsip, Maurice Jackson cut new tracks for his current project. ARS engineer Larry Schara worked with producer Mike Logan to capture Jackson’s performances . . . Mexican/ Duranguense band Herrantes De La Sierra mastered their new album with producer Eric Herrera of ASI Music/EMI Latin and ARS engineer Andy Padayao . . . Rico Collins mastered his new material with Schara, who also mastered Jason Sheedy’s new album . . . Gary Cobb worked on a live show for The Radio Hall Of Fame. He was assisted by Bob Gilmore, Will Stadtler, and Aaron Govert.

At GRAVITY STUDIOS in Chicago, Arks worked on their new album with engineer Mark Berlin . . . Ralph’s World (Disney Sound) recorded and mixed a tune with Joshua “Cartier” Cutsinger . . . Three To Go recorded and mixed their new EP with engineer George Balogi; Doug McBride mastered . . . Marizen worked with Balogi on some new tunes . . . Lindsay Anderson (L’Altra) worked with Jay Marino on her new album; McBride mastered . . . Berlin recorded some new tracks with Sam Winch . . . White Car worked with engineer Aidas Narbutaitis.

At THE I.V. LAB in Chicago, The Ike Reilly Assasination recorded their next record with Manny Sanchez . . . Algernon recorded and mixed their next record with Sanchez . . . Mindsight worked on their first full-length, produced by Sanchez . . . Ernie Hendrickson recorded a solo record featuring Howard Levy, Darren Garvey, Chris Clemente, and Matt Ulery . . . Sleeper Car (see this month’s “Best Of Around Hear”) began work on their next record with engineer Chris Harden . . . Berlin, Germany’s Crazy For Jane recorded and mixed a full-length with engineer Harden and producer James Johnston . . . Dr. Manhattan recorded a full-length record with producer John Alvin.

At LINDER AVENUE RECORDING in Roselle, solo guitarist Antonio Soriano mastered his acoustic CD, titled Champagne Money . . . Timmy Larson (Bellevue Suite) recorded and mixed promotional drum tracks . . . Rapper Steve Koziel also recorded and mixed a new EP.

At MILLION YEN STUDIOS in Chicago, Local H started a new CD . . . Smoking Popes tracked demos for a new CD . . . Evil Beaver recorded an EP . . . Dead Town Revival finished a CD for Sinister Muse Records . . . The Tossers are working on a new CD for Victory Records.

Chicago indie rock band the Northside O’Donnells will began recording their third album at Steve Albini’s ELECTRICAL AUDIO in Chicago. The O’Donnells are working with engineer John Raimond and producer Devon Bryant.

Three original members – Mimi Betinis, John Pazdan, and Mick Rain – of Pezband reunited earlier this year for a few shows and have recently finished a new single, which was recorded with producer Michael Freeman at WALL TO WALL RECORDING in Chicago. The single was mixed at PRESSURE POINT in Chicago and should be released in early ’07 . . . Freeman also produced cuts at RAX TRAX in Chicago for the VooDoo Kings‘ next release . . . Freeman worked at TONE ZONE RECORDING in Chicago with The Katie Sullivan Band on their new CD . . . Pezband, Voodoo Kings, and Katie Sullivan were all mastered with Trevor Sadler at MASTERMIND PRODUCTIONS in Milwaukee.

At STUDIO VMR in Brookfield, Peter Blast recorded a new CD for New York label Poptown Records. Chip Z’Nuff is playing bass, and Don Griffin is engineering.

Hey Studiophiler: To get your studio or band listed in “Studiophile,” just e-mail info on whom you’re recording or who’s recording you to, subject Studiophile, or fax (312) 930-9341. We reserve the right to edit or omit submissions for space. Deadline for the Feburary issue is January 10th.

Category: Columns, Monthly, Studiophile

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