Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Trentalange Reviewed

| November 15, 2006

Photo Album Of Complex Relationships
(Coco Tauro)

Crooked Fingers alumna Barbara Trentalange doesn’t paint the happiest reaction to the band’s dissolution on her solo debut.

Of course, it’d be unreasonable to believe the songs on Photo Album Of Complex Relationships were all about Eric Bachmann’s new direction, but surely it had some effect? Judging from the photos on the digipack, I’d be scared if I were EB. Despite the expressed disorientation of destabilizing relationship measures (see “Boxer’s Wife”), Trentalange is pictured rather muscularly on Photo Album‘s cover, almost in a Terminator II/Single White Female way. The delicate harmonies of “Lonely Land,” suicidal preponderance of “The Motion,” and pensiveness of “Donna’s Gonna Crack” predict otherwise, though the overall, bipolar feel of the album is Curve’s Doppelganger, a shredded, semi-destructive manisfestation of a woman scorned.


— Kevin Keegan

Click here to download “Lonely Land.”

Category: Spins, Weekly

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