Lisa Germano Reviewed
Lisa Germano
In The Maybe World
(Young God)
In her return to the recording realm, Lisa Germano is all about the ambience on In The Maybe World. There are some attention-getters, however.

Specifically “Red Thread,” whose “Go to hell/Fuck you” mantra clashes brilliantly with her “I love you, too” pledge. She began her career on tour with fellow Indiana-native John Mellencamp, though while he’s attaching his “Our Country” protest song to Chevy Truck commercials, Germano has followed her own muse falling in and out of favor with record labels, fans, and critics alike. In The Maybe World is her seventh album and second since temporarily renouncing her gig in the late ’90s. It’s predictibly full of lo-fi charm and her acerbic wit, hidden stealthily in breathy vocals and a baroque, Tori Amos-like sensibility. References to lullabies and fairy tales have absorbed Germano this time out, whether attacking them in a hallucination (“In The Land Of The Fairies”) or deciphering symbollism over a lilting arrangement. If only there were no waking up.
— Steve Forstneger
Appearing: October 21st at Beat Kitchen in Chicago.
Click here to download “Too Much Space.”