Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Chad Rex & The Victorstands Reviewed

| October 18, 2006

Chad Rex & The Victorstands
Gravity Works Fire Burns
(Mars Motors)

Bless Chad Rex’s heart. Fully aware of his sound, he takes a shot at himself and recorded “Song For Paul Westerberg To Sing.”

While he has a bit more twang than the head ‘Mat, the presentation is pure slacker Big Star and melodies so obvious you want to hate him. A roots rocker without much of a wild streak, Rex is content to chronicle a life of losing and the ensemble cast he meets along with way. Crummy, slutty waitresses, muddy winters, nicotine and alcohol, and a flush of womens’ names roll by in a film reel without a story except the fact there is no story. A tendency to ape his influences (including Steve Earle) casts a dim light on Rex’s next outing, but whenever it comes you can be sure winter’s just around the corner.


— Steve Forstneger

Click here to download “Cities By Hotels.”

Category: Spins, Weekly

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