Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Shaman’s Harvest Reviewed

| September 20, 2006

Shaman’s Harvest
March Of The Bastards


Talk about book covers: The front artwork, band name, and label apellation all give the hint Shaman’s Harvest are another run-of-the-mill metal act.

But when opener “Home (Part I)” checks in, it’s all melancholic vocal harmony and weepy acoustic strums. “Her first week on Earth was her last,” it intones before pleading, “I just wanna save someone.” Sad sacks, maybe — but at least it’s different. Unfortunately the real Shaman’s Harvest comes into view immediately, spiking “The Lorax” and the rest of March Of The Bastards — no relation to Primus’ “Here Come The Bastards” — with a faceless brand of power metal. Competent players are the sextet, however they’re much better at unconventional arrangements like “Drawn By The Sirens” and “Home (Part III)” than stock-in-trade riffing and chugging. The easy way out might not be the exit you were looking for.


— Steve Forstneger

Appearing: September 22nd at J.J. Kelley’s in Lansing.

Category: Spins, Weekly

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  1. Clarence says:

    Your review leaves out the fact this band is NOT a Metal band nor do they promote themselves as one. Why review a nonmetal act in a metal forum? Just wondering.