Roman Numerals Counted
The Roman Numerals
The Roman Numerals
Kansas City was once the wildest town in the Midwest, specifically a jazz epicenter where “songs” typically lasted hours.

Count Basie, Charlie Parker . . . their influence is lost on The Roman Numerals, who have apparently gone straight to England for their sources. Bony and stiff and heavily indebted to Gang Of Four, Josef K, and The Stone Roses, the band’s self-titled debut is a stylish angle-rock foray into known waters. Lispy “The Rule Of V” and “Can We Trust Your Architect?” do a reasonable fascimilie of their heroes and could very well stand alongside Bloc Party or The Rapture and not look out of place. But they’re going to have to wait until those bands put out their next albums, so they can follow them wherever they go.
— Kevin Keegan
Appearing: November 28th at Empty Bottle in Chicago.