Mark Mallman reviewed
Mark Mallman
Between The Devil And Middle C

If we can substitute “the devil” with “Elton John” and “Middle C” with “The Minus 5,” this is a fabulous title.
Mark Mallman, somewhat of a prankster rock ‘n’ roller, certainly has a firm grip on classic rock, as the “Hey Jude” meets “Sympathy For The Devil” chorus of “Tell Me How A Man Gets Close To You” lays bare. Later he even professes “I’m just a guy who likes his rock to roll.” But Mallman’s pluck lies in the subtexts, an aching to stroll down the Strip in a Nelson T-shirt and aviator glasses. Partly it gives him charm, but when he wastes his time on “My, My I Got So High” to cap his superstardom fantasy, you kinda wish he’d use his talents more for good than mischief.
— Steve Forstneger
Appearing: September 20th at Double Door in Chicago.
Click here to download “Death Wish.”