Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

De Rosa Reviewed

| September 13, 2006

De Rosa
(Chemikal Underground)

Arab Strap having quit, there’s room for a new Glasgow band.


Are there ever cloudy days in Scotland? Stricken with a case of the dours, De Rosa wind through the streets of Mend looking at the cracks in the pavement and thinking, “I don’t want to go upstream.” While a nervous energy eventually takes over and nearly sends “All Saints Day” into emo, De Rosa never forsake their Scottish birthright of being miserable punters. “On Recollection” grasps the pop of Maximo Park or Futureheads but denies the surging enthusiasm by urging “Forget yourself or forget about your family.” And don’t ask them about how the Bhoys did against Man U.


Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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