Dark Globe reviewed
Dark Globe
Nostalgia For The Future
(Global Underground)
Slinky electronic album by breakbeat pioneers with guests like Boy George and Tom Verlaine, recalls both recent Goldfrapp and early Massive Attack.

George himself helps conjure the Bristol legends by molding his voice into a hybrid of Horace Andy and Shara Nelson on the aching “Atoms.” The duo of Pete Diggens and Matt Frost spend the upbeat half of Nostalgia For The Future on Euro, house, and trance beats, but give little reason why some cuts sacrifice vocals. Amanda Ghost makes a phantom of herself on the rockish “Feed”; could someone have done the same on “Speak In Colours”? Verlaine’s noodling on “Everybody Fades” might get some people to come through Dark Globe’s door, but the track’s real star is Imogen Andrews, who haunts it superbly.
— Steve Forstneger
Are you on crack! Did you actually listen thru to this album or just skip thru it before moving on to the next cd in your pile to review! If indeed you knew anything about dance music or infact any music which is clear you don’t, you would know this is a sublimley well crafted album by two of the genres best producers who pioneered the whole scene..part-time journalists like yourself have a lot to answer for these days.
Please…know your stuff before you venture into a world you know nothing about!
Kids! This album is quality, go check it out while it’s still stocked.
i managed to catch these guys when they were over in NYC doing a DJ show with Boy George and they were something special,
i don’t know much about their musik history but i think this album is really good and improves on every listen.
Thanks Lee for your comments. It’s much the same with movies; the”experts” only watch part of the film and then grab their “goodie bag” before going off to the next junket! Steve, give the WHOLE album a complete play and try to come out with something better than comparing tracks with other artists who obviously live somewhere in your car’s CD collection! You obviously can’t think of anything that’s new or informative, so why bother. I suggest you try reporting on the weather; at least that would be original !