Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Christine Fellows reviewed

| September 13, 2006

Christine Fellows
Paper Anniversary
(Six Shooter)

On her third album, Winnepegian songwriter Christine Fellows elevates above her homespun surroundings.


No offense to Winnepeg or Manitoba, but neither has an atmosphere one calls “accomodating.” It’s cold, the people there failed to hang onto their hockey team, and when the sun goes down it’s even fucking colder. While Fellows reproduces chill on the “Road Trip” interlude, Paper Anniversary is mostly warmth, thanks to her fleece voice. Full without being husky, and feminine with a touch of girlieness, tracks like “Migrations,” “Souvenirs,” and “Phantom Pains” flirt, tussle, and toy their way across the tundra.


Steve Forstneger

Appearing: September 16th at Empty Bottle in Chicago.

Category: Spins, Weekly

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  1. Vince Gagnier says:

    This lady is GREAT!! Saw and heard her at the Brewery in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her group was the opening act and should have been the feature!! Would love to see/hear more!

  2. Gwen Montague says:

    VERY COOL LADY!! Christine Fellows is the best!! She and her cello player Lianne are remarkable, and their performance was outstanding!! More ! More!