Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Transition Preview

| August 9, 2006

Congress Theatre, Chicago
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Transition’s new CD, Get There, is produced by Mike Herrera. Who’s that? Christian pop punkers will tell you he’s the bassist/vocalist from MxPx.

Floodgate Records must have really thought these kids (literally, just out of high school) needed all the help they can get because the label even tagged “produced by Mike Herrera of MxPx” on Get There‘s back cover as opposed to the more traditional form that would exclude the band name. They’re right. These guys hail from blue collar capitol of the U.S. Pittsburgh but their sound is anything but gritty and working class. Get There‘s 11 tracks are the same generic pop punk that make you switch the station every time Yellowcard comes on the radio or TV, but it’s also the melodramatic stuff teenagers, who think they have much bigger problems than they really do, love. They can relate; it makes them feel understood and accepted. We were the same way once, so we can forgive them. As long as kids need soundtracks to breakups or fights with best friends, they’ll need bands like Transition.

This show is co-headlined by MxPx and Reel Big Fish. Streetlight Manifesto and Whole Wheat Bread also play.

— Trevor Fisher

Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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