Tobias Froberg reviewed
Tobias Froberg
Somewhere In The City
(Cheap Lullaby)

Swede singer-songwriter Tobias Froberg channels Paul Simon and Sondre Lerche on his cheery debut.
Even on the heartbroken Gram/Emmylou-styled duet “Love And Misery” with Ane Brun, Froberg’s smile is unshakable, a golden reverbration punctuating the air. Unfortunately it’s not enough for Somewhere In The City. While opener “When The Night Turns Cold” and later the title track have a cool naivete about them, something about Froberg doesn’t translate even if he is singing in English. The woeful “The Features Of A Human Face” offers “She touched my very soul” (shudder), and “Oh My Love” might aspire to José González or Nick Drake but Euro-camp isn’t a good part of the equation.
— Steve Forstneger
Appearing: September 22nd at Double Door in Chicago.
I love this guy. I found him on blog about a month ago and bought the CD off itunes this week. It’s easily one of my favorites of the year. Anyone can go to to hear more and make sure to buy the record and support indie music. f
Same here, I heard about it at some blog and it’s one of my fav discs right now. He’s touring with Teitur and Tina Dico, it’s gonna be sick.