Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Last Conservative reviewed

| August 23, 2006

Last Conservative
Pretty New Things
(Good Charamel)

Maybe this isn’t the forum to call into question open, unsigned music competitions, but one of Last Conservative’s claims to quarter-fame is an XM Radio “On The Brink: Best Unsigned Artist” win.

They won in 2005 and, this being 2006, haven’t been able to parlay it into national press and a big-time recording contract. Why is that? Why do band battle victors and songwriting champs get so little cred? Are these competitions a joke? Does anyone pay attention to them? Pick your favorite mainstream band — did they win a Coca-Cola competition? Last Conservative aren’t a bad band, they just aren’t a terribly interesting one. Sure, “The Answer” somehow manages to combine Train and Rush, which is questionable but at least technically interesting. But these Buffalo natives don’t seem to have a particular strength other than a death grip on the center line. There’s at least a pinch of hometown heroes Goo Goo Dolls in their blood, something that no doubt landed them opening slots for Bon Jovi and All American Rejects. Or maybe those were more contest wins.


Kevin Keegan

Category: Spins, Weekly

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  1. kelsey says:

    last conservative are a very interesting band and your right they dont get the credit they deserve! but they will stay strong

    the bigest lc fan