Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Jeffrey Luck Lucas review

| August 2, 2006

Jeffrey Luck Lucas
What We Whisper

An album that is on no schedule whatsoever and will get there when it friggin’ gets there.

Jeffrey Luck Lucas’ second album takes languid to a new extreme. For an album that never pauses, What We Whisper does very little in the meantime. Sure, the lush “Just Like Moths” fills gaps with Wendy Allen’s earthy harmonies and ghosts seem to rise from the ashes, but it all hangs like humidity in a Louisiana summer. Lucas’ voice is so deep it grunts vocalese more than it e-nun-ci-ates and time seems to stand still as the Bic lighter fails again and again to spark the fuse. Its ambient nature is not without recourse, however — “In The Stars Whirling” and “Sometimes, Sometimes” don a majesty in their pace that’s worth the extended, exasperating wait.


Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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