Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Fernando Review

| August 16, 2006

Enter To Exit
(In Music We Trust)

Portland singer-songwriter recruits members of Eels and Richmond Fontaine for latest album.

It must be doubly hard for Fernando Viciconte to shake Elliott Smith comparisons because he’s from Portland, and his Beatles-aping arrangements don’t hurt the argument either. But digging deep into Enter To Exit, particularly “The Devil’s In The Sky” and “Pasajeros,” gets results. The former is an aching alt-country tour going back to his earlier incarnation as a Tex-Mex busker, while the latter recalls his Spanish-language effort, Pacoima, from ’98. Immaculately produced, full of longing, and ultimately vulnerable, this guise still isn’t enough to get him through the bottleneck of likeminded performers.


— Kevin Keegan

Category: Spins, Weekly

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  1. doug frank says:

    you might want to read what billboard and what several other national and international mags have said about this record…