Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Professor Murder Reviewed

| July 26, 2006

Professor Murder
Rides The Subway

Bands playing hi-hat heavy art punk rock in Brooklyn lofts are a dime-a-dozen. If they’d all just record a single EP and move onto the next trend, they’d save everyone about 20 minutes of their lives. God bless Professor Murder.


Maybe there’s a full set of songs queued up, but right now it doesn’t matter. Professor Murder Rides The Subway is a perfect, concise set of (they don’t want you to mention) post punk pop getting its hands all over dub, psychedelia, and disco without ever grabbing a guitar. “Champion” recalls the first Liars album (as if one track could condense it) with spooky, Walkmen-ish feedback and gang-attack vocals. Could probably use a little less cowbell on “The Mountain,” Gene, though “Cameron’s New Color” gets hijacked by a similarly overused click track to propulsive effect.


— Kevin Keegan

Click here to download “Champion.”

Category: Spins, Weekly

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