Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Mock ‘Em

| July 26, 2006


Rockapalooza at the Arcada Theatre: Call it the Lollapalooza of tribute bands.

You won’t see the Red Hot Chili Peppers Saturday (July 29th) in St. Charles, but you will be indoors, smothered by sweet, sweet air conditioning, you won’t have to walk a mile to get from one main stage to the other (which is the case for this year’s Lolla Grant Park configuration), and you get a performance by the next best thing to the Chili Peppers: tribute band Funky Monks.

Wait. There’s more. Green Holiday, a tribute to Green Day, Nevermind, “celebrating” the music of Nirvana, Angry Chair, the premier tribute to Alice In Chains, and Excuse Me, “the number one tribute to No Doubt,” are also scheduled to perform.

Tickets for the show are $12 in advance and $15 the day of the show. For more information, including how to buy tickets, visit

— Trevor Fisher

Category: News, Weekly

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