Diana Ross Reviewed

A lost standards album from 1972 finally gets its release.
Diana Ross, integral as she is to American pop music and beyond influential, still has a bad rap for being a prima donna and negelcting to release anything of consequence after the ’70s. Crystallizing her former powers, however, Blue returns her to the soundtrack she featured on for Lady Sings The Blues that was never released, plus four added tracks from the ’71/’72 sessions. Deemed too “jazzy” for Ross’ expansive pop base, her command over the Billie Holiday catalog is simply impressive. Of course, when dealing with such an iconic figure and deliberately attempting to recreate their idiosyncrasies, “I Loves Ya Porgy” and “What A Diff’rence A Day Makes” especially feel like imitations. But Ross, whose experience until than had been as a pure pop singer for The Supremes, shows command and versatility where the Berry Gordys of the world allowed her so little. She sparkles on “Love Is Here To Stay” and “Smile,” more than making up for Blue‘s belated issue.
— Steve Forstneger
Nice article except Diana has indeed release some great stuff since the 70s, namely the great Chic written album DIANA featuring Upside Down and a host of great songs, Chain Reaction which was a smash hit in Europe and Australia, and numerous other great tracks on various albums such as ‘When You Tell Me That You Love Me’ etc. Anyway, Blue is indeed a superb album and highly recommended!
Thanks for the article. I believe Diana did it her way, just like we all do, but not all of us is a bonafide “legend”. Look at her comtemporaries. They are not exactly burning up the charts in the 80’s, 90’s or the new millenium. I think it’s Diana dreamlike persona (think “Dreamgirls”, Michael Bennett did’nt name that musical that for nothing), that puts expectations on her that are not asked of others. Diana somehow is beyond a hit or her supposed bad recording material. Let’s face it, when she hits the stage and opens her mouth she is this other worldly being that has the rare charisma that somehow has touched the whole world. I salute you Diana. I love you……..
Her catalog of Music, Speaks for itself………No one can match her…….Blue happens to be a great, raw, emotionally filled cd…..her voice is gentle,loving and crystal clear……..just listen to “But Beautiful………A great song Diana put her magic on………Diana is the “DIVA”
Everyone has a different favourite on this album and that says something about diana ross and the way she can get to just about everyone. This album could easily have been titled Beautiful because that is what it is BEAUTIFUL.
Every time I listen to it I love it more and more.
Diana Ross’ vocal and musical know how at her age at the recordings of Lady Sings the Blues and and Blue is nothing short of amazing. Blue is a delightful experience. Ross fans are so lucky to have this gem.
Love everything she releases, but this Blue” is going in my personal collection forever…
I love it..
this is a MUST have for fans or not don”t MISS out
I never knew she could do this, but this pure ,raw talent at its’ BEST
This is it, she has outdone herself with this “BLUE” cd
There is no other ‘ DIVA” for real
Its a shame that people think Diana has to yell and scream like Patti or Aretha before they get it. Diana Ross has pure talent.
I love it!! Its a pleasure to listen to this great CD, and to have something new from Diana even though it was recorded during the 70’s. Thanks Diana
With Diane’s voice and image having been in deterioration for years, it would have to be a “vintage” release to gain any recognition on today’s music scene. Although her ensemble years with the legendary Supremes will always be remembered as the peak of her commercial and artistic success (much like Lucille Ball in “I Love Lucy”), Diane (like Lucille)did complete many respectable projects after the end of the run of the group (or show) that made them both legendary. In Diane’s case, those later projects occurred during her solo career at the end of Motown’s golden age and later with RCA. The “Lady Sings the Blues” project and this CD was one of them. I’m glad that it has been released for posterity. Wouldn’t it be great if there was something comparable from the Supremes’ era– to have something to release from when Diane’s voice was in its prime (together with Mary and Flo) that has the same kind of production polish of the “Blue” CD……now that would be something!!
Gee Neil, her name is Diana not Diane. There is always one that will be unkind in any group of people, and I believe you are that one. Bless your heart.
Moja, I can not apologize for my age. When I fell in love with the Supremes, she was Diane. Her own mother called her Diane until the day she died as do many other people to this day. On the album, “Supremes at the Copa,” she says,
“My name is Diane Ross.” She will always be Diane to me.
You miss the point Neil. Diana doesn’t not call herself Diane, so when you refer to someone by the a name that they do not wish to be addressed as, you are essentially being disrespectful. Just ask Mary Wilson who has expressed her displeasure with Diana by calling her Diane. This was her way of trying to suggest that Diana is something less then “real” (phoney). And so when you say she will always be “Diane” to you it is like saying do not accept her as she is. After all we all have the right to decide who and what we are, regardless of people who wish to hold us in a time and place (or name) that we have outgrown.
Sincerly yours,
Neil, I meant to say “Diana does not call herself Diane.
And further down: And so when you say she will always be “Diane†to you it is like saying you do not accept her as she is.
Moja, With all due respect to you, you call her “Diana” and I’ll call her “Diane.” We both can be happy.
A fantastic album that show cases Ross’ natural affinity with jazz music. I have heard there is another jazz album in the vault, with Motown refusing to release it upon her return to Motown; hopefully, we will get that one as well. Kudos to Ms. Ross; I am looking forward to her new release in October.
Please join us at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dianarosstopsinpop
It’s a shame, but where Diana Ross is concerened there always seems to be haters. When Neil and Mary Wilson refer to Diana Ross as “Diane” they are exhibiting passive aggressive behavior. It says more about the individual that it does about Miss Ross. Neil is correct on one point, it ain’t worthy of an argument. Go Diana Ross. Go Blue. Come on October!
this is really weak. ross has grown so much as a mature artist, and this is too teeny-booper. the hype underlies the true expansive genuis of this gifted artist. a disapointment. surely, she did not condone this.
You are simply being bitchy. Diana Ross’ voice has not been in decline since the Supremes’ hey day. Her voice didn’t even reach its full expressive power until the late seventies (See her Ashford and Simpson; The Boss). Today her voice is softer and without the vibratto it once had. She is in her sixties.
The ONLY people who are not close friends or family who insist on calling Miss Ross Diana are Mary Wilson and people who want to take her down a notch.
Patti Labelle’s name is Patricia Holt. Why not call her THAT? You wouldn’t because it is not how she chooses to be known.
You fell in love with the Supremes’ sound which fronted Diana’s 60’s voice. You are not just showing your age but your ignorance as well.
Go ahead, work it out Saint James. Well said!
I have little interest in Diane unless she is standing between Mary and Flo. I also loved Cindy Birdsong; although, it was not the same when she was part of the trio. One reason was because Cindy’s voice was not as good as Flo’s. Another reason was that Diane’s voice was starting to give out. This fact is documented in the books that have been written as well as in the reordings before and after. Diane was unable to maintain the nasal cooing that cut like a knife through the Supremes’ sound. I’m not making this stuff up. It is history. I don’t need to apologize for these statements. Obviously, the people who are responding to these comments did not come up during the reign of The Supremes. If they did, they would not be reacting. There is little dispute that the sum of the Supremes is bigger than any of the individual parts. Miss Ross as a solo act is one of the individual parts… a residual by-product of the legendary Supremes. Diane had a wonderful solo career. Paul Mcartney had a wonderful solo career as well; however, you wouldn’t put it up against the Beatles. The Supremes were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, not “Diana Ross” or even “Diana Ross and The Supremes.” The “Return to Love” tour failed because Diane (and her people) mistakenly thought it was all about her. I’m not saying anything that is not true. If you love Diane as a solo act….go for it! I loved the Supremes. I was there for Diane in her prime. As for the comment about Patti Labelle: I met her in the mid-sixties when she was with the Bluebelles. I was a huge fan. I haven’t talked with her during the last decade; however, the last time I did speak with her was at the Lyric Theatre in Baltimore. I greeted her as “Miss Holte.” I’m happy to relate that it was not a problem for her. I also knew her mother when she was alive and I called her Mrs. Holte as well! Imagine That! Finally, as for Diane’s voice not being in deterioration……give me a break!!! There can’t be anyone except the most devoted “Ross as a solo act” fan who would defend her voice today. Whether she is in her 60’s or not, her voice is still “shot.” C’mon!!!!!
I just turned 55 yrs young a week ago. I knew of the Supremes during their Breathtaking Guy era. Don’t even try it, Neil. You are so wrong…..
Diana”s voice is indeed “spent.” However, she spent it on us- those that listened- and I thank her for that! For her to try to save her voice – never to share it would have been a sin. We must realize that everyone at her age has a voice that has lost its youth- Sinatra lost his, Garland, Sammy Davis Jr, Strisand, even Pavorotti no longer hits high C, on and on I can go! It happens to the best. Having said that – there are things that Diana could do with her voice while with the “Supremes- that she could not do today. However- there are approaches to songs that Diana can take today – that she could never have attempted with the the supremes. The sheer tone of her voice has emerged into something different!
As fan we need to listen harder for the talent – to the growth , and experience a singer offers as they age. They may not have the tone of innocence in their voice – or even a fresh sound – but they may have gained the pain of experence – and we must listen for it.
Diana’s voice- or anyones voice can never stay the same – niether should what we listen for!!! What we listen for must also change and grow!
I hear Diana – just as beutifully now as I did when she sang with the supremes – but I hear differnet things in her voice!!
Diana is simply the best. She has set the standard for other female acts to follow…class, grace, extreme talent, a glamorous persona, etc. Her ‘Blue’ cd is simply magnificent. She is simply a living legend. I hear Grammy buzz!!
Diana Ross is a treasure…She is simply in a category all by herself. Her voice has graced us for over 40 years, and she is still in a class all by herself…
There is no need to use this forum to discuss what we should call her….I call her “LOVE PERSONIFIED”….Straus
Tony, I commend you my brother! YOU hit the nail on the head. DIANA is indeed legendary and does not need justification by anyone. She is and always has been a leader and a trend setter. She sang music then and now that complimented her voice and range and made them her own! As for stage performance, she can’t be touched! The best of the best have been taught and reared on her technique and style. As for her supposedly “DIVA” style attitude, you gotta respect why she does it and where it’s coming from. She’s a perfectionist and it’s all about what she puts out there artisticly on the radio waves or in person on stage for her fan base! She wants to give US, her fans the very best shes got, PERIOD! So, she sets high standards. And after having been part of several of DIANA’s audiences, you do leave feeling like you’ve been totally entertained! As for her voice, it’s definitely not gone, simply matured with age like ALL our voice shall do. One thing’s for sure, when she sings any song, one of hers or someone elses, you distinctively know it’s her site unseen! Give the lady her credit y’all! this was a dream she had like we all have had in life and she was able to suceed in hers, damn well I must say. Do your research and see, around the world, her many accomplishments and acknowledgements she is held for. You don’t do get where she is in life simply off face and ass. The lady has true talent!
I agree with Steve Diana’s concerts have left me a feeling that I have never felt from any other artist. She has definitely set the standard for other acts to follow. I love her she is a REAL DIVA who has class and elegance. Her music takes me to a point of no return and BLUE is no exception I LOVE IT!
Gee Neil, her name is Diana not Diane. There is always one that will be unkind in any group of people, and I believe you are that one. Bless your heart.
Comment by moja — July 27, 2006 @ 2:19 pm
Her name on her birth certificate says Diana , but her parents wanted Diane, it was misspelled on her birth certificate, Her father sated that he named her Diane and that is what he calls her, and so do many people who grew up with her….Diana is more of a stage name. So you see Moja you are the idiot here-Learn your Diana history or dont write false information here….you sound like some asswipe from the Star tabloid.
Neil it’s obvious that you’re one of her cronies. Diana is a superstar legend, and that obviously makes you very bitter. No matter which we you try to cut it, it’s Diana’s voice that made those supremes records successful,and it’s her voice that is heard. That may make you bitter and angry Neil, but it’s true.
I can assure you that I am not Mary Wilson; although, I did speak with her recently at “Blues Alley” in Washington D.C. You’ll be happy to know that she is looking as beautiful as ever. The success of the Supremes was due to many variables: First of all, it was a time when girl groups were popular. Their achievements went way beyond any girl or boy group of the time. Secondly, Diane had a very unique sound and a very appealing stage persona which contributed greatly to the total package.
Thirdly, the songs written by H-D-H were so incredible that they might have been hits by who ever sang them. Fourthly, the image of three Black girls who looked, dressed, and sang like they did had an immense impact on the American musical scene. Fifth, they had the full resources of Motown and Berry Gordy behind them. This was the same force that created Ross as a solo star when Berry decided he wanted to move into motion pictures. The heyday of the Supremes are long gone and there really hasn’t been anyone to promote their image. Motown likes to pretend that they were just one of the many acts that recorded there along with the Temptations, Four Tops, etc.etc. Diane’s people (like yourselves) like to view the Supremes as a stepping stone in the beginning of “Diana Ross’ glorious career. Well, it isn’t like that. Despite all that has been said, here are the facts: The Supremes were so big that Mary Wilson can make over a million dollars a year without ever having a huge hit of her own. Why? She was one of the original Supremes and America was in love with the Supremes. Even a back-up singer from that group (with no huge record company promoting her) can have a lifetime career just because she was once one of the Supremes. Here is another fact. Whether you want to here it or not. Diane’s days as a “superstar”
are also over. Because of the Supremes and her successful solo career, she is still a celebrity with appeal; however, she hasn’t had a major hit record in
decades, the “Return to Love” tour cancellation was a public humiliation for her, and her haughty ways have caught up with her. If all of you want to get all excited over a CD that was recorded 30 years ago because she couldn’t put out anything decent today (no voice and no recording contract), then continue deluding yourself that Diana Ross is still a “superstar.” Ha! That’s a hot one!!!
definition of d.i.v.a. is… diana.is.very.awesome! (-:
Well, Mary/Neil we are very bitter. Diana Ross became a full fledged legend about 25 years ago. Around the same time that she had her 18th number one pop single and reached an incredible status that hasn’t been duplicated. There are a handful of people like Streisand, Ross, Tina Turner, and now Madonna that never have to have a hit record again because they have reached a level that very few people can, will and have ever achieved. The last twenty years Ross has focused more on a personal life, as she’s raised five very good children. Anything she does now is just icing on the cake, she’s already reached a level that maybe one or two other females have. Having 18 number one singles is something no other female has ever done. It’s time for you, Neil/Mary to end your jealous bitterness toward Diana. The fact that you weren’t talented enough to have a career is not her fault. You’re responsible for yourself. If you dislike Ross so much why waste your time writing about her on one of her.
Juan/Diane, Diane has had more like 5 or 6 number one singles as a solo act The Supremes had the other 12. As I recall, she was a member of that group; however, they are not her records. I guess the problem is that Diane wants it all for herself just like you Ross fans. It didn’t happen that way and it isn’t that way. I loved the Supremes and acknowledge that Diane has had a wonderful solo career. You all want to make it all about her….it wasn’t and it isn’t. Call her a legend.
Call her a diva (actually she is a diva which isn’t a very nice thing to say about her). The truth is that she is a washed up old drunk who can no longer sing. She was once a key member of a legendary show business phenomenon, The Supremes, and had a successful solo career on the coat tails of their success with lots of help from Berry Gordy. You can all fawn over her all you want. When she dies, the first thing that her obituary will read is that she was the lead singer of the legendary Supremes. That pretty much says it all doesn’t it, Juan/Diane. Yours Truly, Neil/Mary
Now kids, here is a true Diana Ross fan. I have been a fan of hers for about 20 years. I may have not been apart of the Supreme days, but from what I know, she is THE BOSS. She has open doors for so many people, not just females, but males too. So many males artist look up to Diana as an legend. Do you remember when she was on Oprah, and Oprah said that Diana and The Supremes has opend doors for her, and so many people? I mean to see three BLACK female on TV was history in the making. They have made group singers become elegant and styllish with there moves. Look what Destiny’s Child has done. They grace the stage with elelgance and style, and that is because of the Supremes. Diana is a legend no matter how you look at her. She has made a name for herself and believe it or not for all of us too. You don’t come from the projects and not make something of your self and then become legend in a lifetime with out heartache and pain. She has gone through a lot and she still can stand up and be this legend. Everyone has faults and problems, but that does not stop them from becoming successfull. I beleive Diana has more stuff to show us, I do not beleive she is finish entertaining us. This album that is coming out is a long time awaiting album, and I bet, there is a song on that album for all of us to relate too. I, myself will always be a fan of Diana. I have been to seven of her concerts and I always know that she will put on a good 2hour show. I will pays good money to see Diana, and only Diana. I do not go to any other concerts, because not everyone can sing live and not everyone can captivate a audience like Diana. God has blessed her with a voice and she has put it to good use. I am not a singer and can not sing a lick, but if I had the voice like Diana, I would be so blessed. I like to see people happy and get their money worth, and that is what Diana can do. I mean Mariah was here last week in Philly, and as many fans as she has, she connot put on a show like Diana. Diana has class and grace, all other artist can not grace the stage like Diana. I am sorry guys, but Diana is the SHIT and no one on this earth can top her, no one. So if you are not a true fan and you have bitter comments about Diana, just keep them to your self, because Diana get enough bad rap from the papers and news, she doesn’t need them form you too.
I just love Diana Ross and would probably drop dead if I ever met her. Last week, I took out some vintage Diana (Chain Reaction, Swept Away, Eaten Alive, Pices of Ice, Mirror Mirror) and and played her on my new bose sound system. Let me tell you, I got chills!, it was if she was in the room with me. Diana will forever be the ultimate DIVA and deserves 100% respect. I just cant wait to see her stir up trouble on wisteria lane.
I agree with you Brian, the BOse system is very good. The sound that yu here in this radio will blow you away. I play her music in the Bose and you can really here a big difference in her voice. Nice to see that someone recognize good talent when they here it.
Her name on her birth certificate says Diana , but her parents wanted Diane, it was misspelled on her birth certificate, Her father sated that he named her Diane and that is what he calls her, and so do many people who grew up with her….Diana is more of a stage name. So you see Moja you are the idiot here-Learn your Diana history or dont write false information here….you sound like some asswipe from the Star tabloid.
Comment by Rick — August 14, 2006 @ 10:21 am
Rick, Rick, Rick. All I have to say to you and Neil is, “NEXT TIME YOU SEE DIANA ROSS ADDRESS HER AS “DIANE”, AND SEE WHAT YOU GET”. And you should lay off the insults, they only show how small you are.
Call her a diva (actually she is a diva which isn’t a very nice thing to say about her). The truth is that she is a washed up old drunk who can no longer sing. She was once a key member of a legendary show business phenomenon, The Supremes, and had a successful solo career on the coat tails of their success with lots of help from Berry Gordy. You can all fawn over her all you want. When she dies, the first thing that her obituary will read is that she was the lead singer of the legendary Supremes. That pretty much says it all doesn’t it, Juan/Diane. Yours Truly, Neil/Mary
Comment by Neil kehl — August 15, 2006 @ 5:37 pm
Finally Neil you have let your true unhappy self be revealed. Jealous is as jealous does. You sure you aren’t really Mary Wilson????
You know Neil most sane people when they don’t care for something or someone try to avoid it or them. You however have posted comments here SIX times!!!! I guess as a Mary Wilson fan you have tons of spare time on your hands. I’ve seen Mary Wilson in concert and she has talent yes however she is NO Diana Ross. Remember that DIANA won a Tony for her broadway show. Very few singers can make a person ” feel ” a song the way Diana Ross does and it was her sound that took the Supremes to the top, hell she even recorded songs while still a Supreme without Mary Wilson, Florence Ballard or Cindy Birdsong yet allowed those songs to be released as Supremes hits i.e. Love Child & Someday We’ll Be Together, both those songs contribute to Miss Wilson’s ” Million Dollars a year ” that she collects.
As to her being a DIVA please remember she did set up a trust fund for Florence Ballards children something Mary Wilson neglected to do dispite her ” Love ” for Florence.If as you claim Diana Ross’s only claim to fame is as the lead singer of the Supremes then Miss Wilson’s only claim to fame would be her association to Diana Ross.
Also of note I looked for YOUR recordings Neil Kehl and can’t seem to find any
The fact that you’re bitter over Mary never having a career is really sad, but that is not Diana’s fault. Mary Wilson when she is on tour has to say Mary Wilson and the Supremes, because no one would have any idea who she was. All Diana has to say is simply “Diana Ross”. Sorry to remind you that Diana is the reason the Supremes were successful, and the sad part is that you know it, but can’t deal with it. The number one hits, Love Child” and “Someday We’ll Be Together” were recorded with Diana alone and guess what? The public didn’t even know the difference. It is Diana’s voice that you hear and sings lead on all those songs, Mary was simply a background singer, and not a very good one at that. If you ask me, I don’t think Diana should have had to share the royalties with Mary on those hits the last two years that she didn’t sing on, but she did and had no problem with it. Diana was also kind enough to sit there in 1981 in Las Vegas after Pedro had tore up her gowns and sheet music and write Mary a 500,000 interest free loan. Why did Mary never mention that in her book or the media? Because that would be yet another reason why she shouldn’t constantly be pouting to the media about how mean Diana was to her and that it was her fault that Mary had no talent, and never made it as a solo artist and had no hits. She’s had 36 years to make it as a solo artist and it hasn’t happened. And guess what? It never will. How in the world is that Diana’s fault. Not only is Mary’s voice shot. She never had one and could not sing. Berry Gordy even said that. I hear her singing Diana’s Supreme hits and Mary sounds absolutely hideous. I heard a tape of her singing “Someday We’ll Be Together”, (which of course is Diana’s song that Mary never sang on, but Diana was nice enough to let her have equal credit)at the New York, New York debut of her highly unsuccessful solo career and she sounded like finger nails on a chalk board. Not only is Mary’s voice shot, she never had one to begin with. She’s lucky Diana ever associated with her. Mary has tainted the Supremes legacy by going around spewing the same tired old venom all these years. Do you hear the other members of Police bitching about how Sting was the star and they weren’t? Smokey Robinson and the Miracles? Martha and the Vandellas? Bon Jovi? We could go on and on. It’s all jealousy on Mary’s part, and that’s probably why she’s sick form having all that hateful bitterness in her. Diana has had a multi-faceted career winning a tony, she had 41 solo hits in America, including six number one’s, an oscar nomination, and sold out Arenas and even some cases (Like Giants Stadium in 1982) stadiums. In the midst of all this she’s had five beautiful children that absolutely adore her, and she’s a very wealthy woman. If you believe she’s washed up then what the hell does that make Mary???? A severe never was? I don’t think, I know she’s a legend, if you don’t think so, that’s fine, but it’s a fact. On top of all the solo accomplishments I mentioned, she was also lead singer of the Supremes and had 18 top ten hits with them including 12 number ones. The sad reality is that eventually all performers have difficulty getting airplay when they start to get older. And I think it’s part of the fickle American radio programmers. Because as you know, Diana had a top ten hit in the U.K from her last studio album. Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, and numerous other veterans have difficulty selling their most recent releases in America because of the airplay issue. But Diana doesn’t have to work, she’s a wealthy woman. If she does it’s only because she wants to. Mary will be 90 years old going around having to try to sing the songs that Dians made famous with her voice because she’s broke. If you really want to stoop so low to call Diana a drunk. Mary is not only a drunk, but it’s common knowledge that she was trying to find her cocaine in her car on the floor when she had her accident. And guess what? Diana was sweet and called her because she is a caring person. The problem is, and people who know Mary have said this, MARY WANTS TO BE DIANA ROSS.
Wow, Juan you said it all. Much thanks.
This is a must have for anyone who loves music–my advise is to buy one for your home, one for the car and one for the office.
Juan, I could notaid it better myself. Bravo to you. Every word you mentioned is the absolute truth, and I stand by you 200% of your commets. I can really see you are a true fan and really love Diana as an artist.
It is really sad that more than 40 years after Ms. Ross left the Supremes, that people are still hating her for what didn’t happen for Mary and Flo after she left. I have read books by many Motown artists and those who have no reason to hold a grudge have noted that Diana Ross has something more than a “voice”; all of the women at Motown had some talent to an extent, but as Smokey Robinson stated “they thought they had what Ross has, but they didn’t”! I have a recording of Florence Ballard as a solo act; and the idea that her voice or Mary’s voice would have sold the records that Ross’ voice sold is simply crazy. Berry Gordy may indeed have had an affair with Ross, but he was a business man; and you can bet IF Ms. Ross’ voice wasn’t making the $$; she wouldn’t have fronted the Supremes!
I read an article online which was publised by the recording artist and producer Babyface; in it he states that Diana Ross has become a scapegoat for other people’s failures or disappointment; he also notes that he has produced many of the major young wanna-be-divas; and has asked them all to “sing it like Diana Ross would” and to date; nobody can or ever has! Now, this is coming from an individual who knows the music industry; not just someone crying in Mary Wilson’s beer with her. He also noted that like many of her contempories (Aretha, Gladys, etc); Diana has indeed had some very good projects: Take Me Higher, Every Day Is A New Day both have some amazing stuff; IF you can listen without prejudice!
No matter what one’s feelings might be about Ms. Ross; IF you are REAL; you cannot doubt this is a lady with talent, and the fortitude to make her own life; I suggest we should all take some pointers and try to make ours!
Keep Reaching….as Ms. Ross continues to say!
Peace and Blessings
Jack you go boy, you really put it out there. I love to read positive comments about Miss Ross, it makes me feel she still mattters to so many people besides me. I love her and I love the way she sings. I once herd her day, if the song does not fit her she will not sing it. All of her music represents her in some shape, form or fashion. A lot of artist sing songs just to sing them and not relate to them. Sometime when you sing a song, if you are not apart of the song, the audience will not feel what you are delivering in the music. It is not always about the song, but the lyrics and the music makes the song, and I do not think a lot of people realize that. Music is not about the song, it is about the person who delivers it, and if the audience can not feel what you are singing, then the song means nothing, and that is what Diana do, she delivers the music with apart of her. Next time any of you listen to her songs, listen to the lyrics and the music and you will feel what she is saying through the song.
That is what made her the success she is to day.