Diana Ross Reviewed

A lost standards album from 1972 finally gets its release.
Diana Ross, integral as she is to American pop music and beyond influential, still has a bad rap for being a prima donna and negelcting to release anything of consequence after the ’70s. Crystallizing her former powers, however, Blue returns her to the soundtrack she featured on for Lady Sings The Blues that was never released, plus four added tracks from the ’71/’72 sessions. Deemed too “jazzy” for Ross’ expansive pop base, her command over the Billie Holiday catalog is simply impressive. Of course, when dealing with such an iconic figure and deliberately attempting to recreate their idiosyncrasies, “I Loves Ya Porgy” and “What A Diff’rence A Day Makes” especially feel like imitations. But Ross, whose experience until than had been as a pure pop singer for The Supremes, shows command and versatility where the Berry Gordys of the world allowed her so little. She sparkles on “Love Is Here To Stay” and “Smile,” more than making up for Blue‘s belated issue.
— Steve Forstneger
WOW! Such anger and hatred from all involved. I know Diana would be disappointed!
I’m a die hard Ross fan, not delusional, but I love her!
Diana as a Person:
Diana is a legend, not only for her Supreme days, but also for her accomplishments after the Supremes — albums, concerts, movies, TV movies and specials, philanthropic contributions, opened avenues for the crossover artists today. — There is no dispute that she has reached heights AFTER she left the Supremes, to say otherwise, just doesn’t make sense. She has been a positive force for so many of us through her music and her grace. Can Diana Ross be nasty? I’m sure that she can and has been (who can’t and hasn’t we all have our days) but that doesn’t make her an evil person, as she has been referred to here. The media will print what sells, and nothing sells better than a successful, strong nasty woman. As for her personal life, it’s had it’s ups and downs, I don’t think we should trivialize that or use it as fodder to say she’s a bad person, she recently lost a love, and had trouble dealing with it, period.
I love the Supremes music..LOVE IT. It’s a beautiful blend of voices, with Diana at the forefront nasally coo-ing out the lyrics, and the girls supporting her. A sound that can never be replicated by any one member of the group. Many people, I’m not one of them, but many people thought she sang through her nose too much during these days. Beauty is in the ear of the beholder. Let’s not forget that EVERY group under Berry had a lead singer who was singled out. According to him (I’ve read) it was not only to promote the lead, it was also so that he could market the acts as two entities and try to ask for more money (though I don’t know how successful that was). Martha Reeves &…. Smokey Robinson &…. Michael Jackson &…. Lionel Ritchie just flat out left the Commodores. For the Supremes it was Diana. That separation was going to happen with our without Diana, Berry drove the vehicle, the Supremes were just along for the ride.
Diana’s Solo Career:
Let’s not forget a couple of things. When Diana left Motown, she received what was at the time the most money for a recording contract of any artist (fact). Let’s also remember that Guinness Book of World Records had her listed as the best selling female artist of all times (including her Supremes days) until Madonna came along (also fact). Diana left the Supremes in 1969, and for 37 years afterwards she is still a performing solo artist, who sings at national events and also concerts worldwide (fact). She sings both oldies and new songs, and I will say she sings a 10-15 minute medley of the Supremes numbers. The other hour and 50 minutes of her concert consists of solo work (fact), and the audience loves it!
Diana’s Voice:
It’s not shot, hardly! But it has admittedly changed over time, just like every single one of ours (singers or not). The true test of an entertainer is one who can still captivate an audience, when their talent isn’t what it used to be. AND DIANA IS THE ULTIMATE ENTERTAINER. She has been in many, many top 100 entertainers of all time lists. She has said in interviews, that she’ doesn’t have the power of a Patti, and that she has a softer sound. Her fans listen for her sound and her interpretation of the music, her word pronunciation, her intonation and the way she tells a story with the music. She is more than a voice to us (A VOICE THAT I THINK STILL HAS A GREAT TONE AND QUALITY TO IT. NOT THE CLARITY OF THE “BOSS” DAYS BUT STILL GREAT) she encompasses a style and a class that is missing today in the fly-by-night entertainers.
Mary Wilson:
I’m glad that she has been able to sustain a career. I’m sure that Diana feels the same way. Other than that, Mary will be judged by one greater than me or any of you. She’s the only one who has to live with her actions.
Neil’s Point:
I get it Neil, remember the Supremes, remember the Supremes, all of them! They were great! We do, or at least I do! All four of them (actually five, but who even remember the one from early on when they were the Primettes). If there were no Supremes, there probably wouldn’t have been a Motown! It was the launching ground for the girl’s. Without the Supremes, the world would never have known Diana Ross. It was a great group and it’s sad that they couldn’t reunite for the Supremes tour (whoever was at fault). Also Neil you feel the Supremes was Diana at her best, I’m sure many other share that opinion. Maybe you would be more at home on a Supremes blog?
Diana, from the movie Mahogany, “I’m a winner baby, these people love me, and YOU CAN’T stand it!”
We know we adore Diana! Some of us like to think she has done no wrong. Some of us lift her so high, and think the ways to lift her higher is to put Mary down. If Diana hasn’t done it all of these years, while she’s the one being attacked, why should we? One person’s opinion, does not fact make. WE LOVE HER! NONE OF NEIL’S WORDS WILL CHANGE THAT, EVER! 17 days until her new album is out… let that speak for itself…37 years after the Supremes broke up, our girl is putting out an album!!
Diana has always been about positivism, and caring and love, and healing, and family. I don’t normally post, but felt like this had turned so ugly. I hope I haven’t offended anyone, it wasn’t my intention. Also, I won’t be replying to any comments (not into the back and forth thing).
“make this world a better place if you can…..”
{Edited by Moderator}
Thank you for your valiant attempt at a “balanced” view. I agree with many of your points; however, I must take issue with some of them: Unfortunately, only Berry Gordy knew what to do with Diane. As for Mary, just what are the actions that she’ll have to answer for in the next life? I just don’t get what everyone on this site has against Mary. She’s doing just what a member of one of the the world’s most successful acts would do…….capitalizing on it! Diane capitalizes on it all the time. Her legend is based on the Supremes as well! As for going to a Supremes blog, no thanks, I can make more of an impact here. There, I would be preaching to a “legendary” choir! {Edited by Moderator}
My my, what do we have here. I’ve been a fan of the Supremes and Diana Ross for years. I’m also a big fan of Mary Wilson & a friend of hers. I know for a fact she very much wanted to do the Return to Love Show. When they were in talks to do the show, she had to go to London to do a play and didn’t want to leave until all was decided. I told her go do your show, your people will work it out- and there’s no way they they would do it without you- [how wrong I was]. She was so happy and excited about doing it with Diana, but she wanted to work with her as a team – make it fun -Show everyone what they were about. We even talked about a new Supreme record if the show was a hit. Over the years Mary has tried to get Diana to do something even getting other stars to step in -But Diana has been, it’s all about me. It’s a shame because what a show it would be.Believe it or not – Mary loves Diana, she may get mad at her and her ways but she still cares very much for her. They made magic together! Truth told.
People! lets celebrate the ladies not tear them apart!
I look forward to getting” Blue” and Diana’s new record.
And if any of you were in DC for Mary’s “Up Close” show she is looking god & sounding frankly SUPREME!
What a great time everyone had.
You’re welcome, for my balanced view.
“make this world a better place if you can…..â€
Does anyone know what this new Diana album is like? -who are the producers? Whats the label- Motown? Is it all new?
Mary has a new album also, but seems to be having trouble gettig a proper record deal. She says it’s really different.
Well all I can dream about is one day or should I say Someday well be together-and see the Supremes take the stage again! -am I dreaming?
Diane’s new album is called “I Love You.” It will be released as a British import . {Edited by moderator}
Neil, Thanks for the info but you need to that a pill. We all know it’s really hard to get a record deal after a certain age. We need to be kind to our girls- I may not like the things Diana has done or the things Mary has done in respond to them. But I respect both ladies and the work/enjoyment they have given the world. Im glad Diana was able to get this one out!
Thank you Flo for letting Diane(a) be a part of the group. From the Primes to the Supremes. And Florence,” what a great name for the group! Supreme is what you all were when you were together.Glad you thought of it Flo! And of course Diana you had a special voice as well. I think there is no other Supreme as the first. When other Supremes were added, the Motown sound changed also. I wish more people were there for Florence to get her some help. It’s too bad it all ended up the way it did. Diana came up with some good hits later on. but they didn’t have an effect on me nearly as much as when she was with Florence and Mary. I have never ever got sick of the “The Supremes”. And this is my opinion. It’s too bad that they didn’t have a tribute to Flo, by Diane bringing in one of Flo’s daughters (Lisa looks alot like her) and teaching her the Supreme moves, and then bringing Mary in as well. That maybe would put all the hurt feelings to rest, and would be close to the original Supremes, next to her mother, and I’m sure it would shock alot of people, and would be such a nice gesture on all parts, to finally lay this stuff to rest. I know one thing, I would buy a record (cd). Would also make Florence proud up there to be looking down on her daughter filling in for her. Anyone know if any of Florence’s daughters can sing? I think it would be absolutely great to see Diana up there again as well, being with Flo’s daughter and Mary. I know one thing, people would be watching for sure. And I have to say that Diana had a special sound that made up the group, wouldn’t we all like to be there again, and isn’t that what alot of people miss, too see them in there primes? Bringing back the memories. Makes some of us feel young again too. If they did bring back that original sound, “I” would have to say that I would like them to leave out the speeded up Supreme songs with the disco and heavy bass sound behind them, and keep the original, simple clapping, voice and instrumental sounds. Not all that added stuff after Flo left, or should I say when times started changing and music as well, which was surely around the 70’s. It is definetly great to have had the oppurtunity in my life time to have the presence of Diana ross, Florence Ballard, and Mary Wilson, as the great ” Supremes”. And its nice to see such great fans on all parts. We can all agree with one thing: we love of the same group, I mean – I think we are the only ones that could break them apart really (the fans,) but in our hearts they are still as one, or at least we would like them to be. In the Supremes minds that was a special memory for them as being together at one time or another, and unfortunately time takes a toll on everyone, and things do change. That is life.
You sound so sad. I most say I was very unhappy when Diana left the Supremes. But the New Supremes were great to me -not great like Diana with them but, I loved them also. Diana did alot of wonderful work on her own-nothing as exciting as with the Girls but still great. [Ain’t no mt.,The Boss album etc.]
And proud Mary kept the Supreme flame glowing and her own as well, cause Diana seemed to forget about where she came from and who was with her. I still love her, but what you put out you get back. I only hope the girls can get it together one last time-others have who didn’t get along. So you never know…I know for a fact Mary would.
Thank you Thomas and Nick. You said it so wel!!
Your welcome Neil!!!
As a child of the sixties I remember Diana from her first great vocal performance Let Me Go The Right Way and then the stunning When The Lovelight Shines…Where Did Our Love Go? and Baby Love put it through the roof and a legend was born! I was lucky to see Diana in 68 at The Forum in LA for the first time while still with the Supremes with Stevie Wonder as the opener then on to her great solo performances throughout the seventies…and Lady Sings The Blues is a complete masterpiece!!! Diana was always a pleasure to see live and each time I fell in love all over again…the great recordings over the years are peerless with too many stand-outs to mention but I currently have The Boss in my car and cannot stop playing it…Diana would be wise to get together again with Ashford and Simpson as they are a match made in musical heaven!!! I am wishing and hoping great things ahead from Diana and it is long overdue…a new album and seeing Diana on a TV series would be wonderful and many of us are waiting!!! A concert performance last year at The Pantages was nothing less than brilliant showing that Diana is a talented wonder that many of us love and want to see our Diva doing great things…and being happy!!!
She is not going to be on any tv show
She was interviewed in England and said you cant believe everything you read, that she has never been approached by the producers of Desperate Housewives!
Well, let me weigh in or share my observations of The Supremes/Diana Ross and the Supremes/and Diana Ross. Evolution comes to mind. Nothing remains the same. Those who are afraid of change are afraid of accountability.
I cannot imagine a world without Diana Ross, just like I could not imagine a world without my Mother – but I am grateful for the reality and the dream. These women defined me as a woman.
I was there, in front of the black and white TV in the 60s when Ed Sullivan introduced The Supremes! and I was mesmerized from the break by the stepping “high heels†(click click click click) that walked in to our living room followed by, “Baby Baby, Baby Don’t Leave me…†I fell in love with Where Did Our Love Go? and those beautiful women who had the audacity to fierce! They were a departure from rough to polished female power and they looked like me!
I am older now and critical analysis is necessary and appropriate for my world view. The Supremes and Diana Ross were more than singers and songs. Factor in Berry Gordy, Motown, HDH, Harvey Faqua, The Funk Brothers, and all the players, artists – imagine the dynamic! The music is worthy of social – but mostly critical analysis and theory and someone smarter than me needs to do it! Voices are musical instruments – listen to “Ask Any Girl.â€
Diana Ross’ embouchure if you will – was and is peerless. In general, some of us assumed then and they assume now that they stumbled on it. It was an orchestration. Diana’s voice – certainly in its heyday was a Stradivarius. A different kind of saxophone – not just words, not some theatrical story or presentation. Her voice was melody, harmony, composition in concert with musicians. She is the vocal equivalent of Miles Davis in interpretation. She was a Siren that embraced you – and still does. When I drive my “chariot†Jeep – people recognize and appreciate The Boss.
In “Ask Any Girl†– she breaks “affection†into syllables that sound like a new word but with the same meaning. It’s gorgeous. I loved it when I was a kid, but now I know why. Every fan on this board – the world needs to stop and listen with a critical ear to truly appreciate the Queen of Motown.
PS: Her son Evan Olaf Naess Ross looks exactly like her! How crazy is that? I am anxious to here his voice!
Ooops, let me correct myself — “… I am anxious to hear his voice…”
I have read all of your comments with some interest. I must say that Neil I really appreciate you man. You hung in there when Ren and Juan and others were attacking and accusing you of hating someone even to the point of calling you names and trying to dragg poor Mary Wilson down as well when you in fact never said you hated anyone there is a difference in being a fan and holding someone up as an idol and we know what happens when people do that don’t we? Just ask many of the stars who now have to have body guards to surround them to feel safe. I too amd a big supremes fan and I have just about every DVD that is out there on them. I just liked watching three attractive women sing and behave like ladies and I will tell you I have spent many late nights watching and listing to them. But one thing is for sure some people lose track of reality because they in fact become idoletors, in fact you should recognize talent which Ross has and so does Mary and as much as some people refuse to believe it, it is in fact true and she has made the best of what God has given her. She made a statement once during and interview for the documentary “Girl Group The Story Of A Sound” which struck me of her honesty and sincerity. She was asked how did you feel when you were pushed in the background for all of those years while singing with the supremes? She said well, I would have liked to sing lead sometime (Who wouldn’t) but I was a star at what I did (back ground singing) which is to me a very humble statement of a very unselfish woman. So for you people on this site who want to belittle her talent for the sake of making Diana Ross’s larger “Please Stop It” It isn’t fair and all of the ladies deserve better. Flo or Mary or Diana should be marginalized because they revolutionized african america music especially for woman and brought to the for what grace and dignity and style that we as a people possessed. And last but not least. This is America we have the right to speak our minds its called freedom of speach we have that right. We don’t have to agree with everything that each other says but we can disagree with dignity and honor and it doesn’t matter what internet cite we do it on we just need to understand what each other is trying to say. And respect each other for our opinions. Thanks for reading.
Interesting comments.. :D