Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Cameran Reviewed

| July 26, 2006

A Caesarean
(Innocent Words)

What more of Cameran do you need to know other than they have a rhythm section named Sancho and Pascal Holper.

Sancho is the best name for a bassist ever, and that he’s Swedish and not Mexican is even cooler. It’s also misleading going into A Caesarean‘s murky underbelly, where the Holpers guide Aaron Tauss and Markus Steinkellner through to calculated punches of prog punk fury. Patterning after At The Drive-In, “The Zombie Walk” and “The Forging Of Battle Plan B” cut and slice through tense verses before boiling and exploding. Providing the escapade a pair of serene instrumentals (“Headphone Music OP 001,” “Tu Es Monono?”) sets a gentle (if overly serious) contrast leading into the climax and denouement of the 11-minute “A Million Years Now.”


— Steve Forstneger

Click here to download “The Zombie Walk.”

Category: Spins, Weekly

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