Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

I want candy

| May 17, 2006

Candy Bars
On Cutting Ti-Gers In Half And Understanding Narravation
(New Granada)

With a title such as this, you can expect either a dearth of people taking you seriously or more than you want.

Daniel Martinez’s masked voice is meant to convey distance for On Cutting, though it more implicitly sets forth a voice hidden beneath its own contrivances. Following the overstated irony of “Landscape,” a downtrodden “Works Cited” evokes the scarred acoustic pop of Sparklehorse with little regard for copyright. Candy Bars remain in this stylistic mode — and knowledge of its origins are never made plain — though when forced to fly (“The Flood In Your Town”) the album positively soars with hints of harpsichord and takes on a (latter) Sunny Day Real Estate power formation that, once again, belies its mechanisms.


Kevin Keegan

Click here to download “Violets.”

Category: Spins, Weekly

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