Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Push It Kinda Good!

| April 26, 2006

Push To Talk
Push To Talk

Is it a reaction to Raiders fans? Metallica? Someone put Push To Talk in Oakland, but they didn’t put Oakland in Push To Talk.

Sporting the same fey, nonchalance as countless Smiths-lite bands like The New Radicals meets Athlete and Mull Historical Society, Push To Talk never moves briskly enough for dancing, sadly enough for sulking, or angrily enough for stomping. It’s a toe-tapper, a head-nodder. Done right, melodies like “How’d You Get To Be That Way” are so obvious they’re effortless. But when the band have to actually work to string one together (“Walk It Off”), they end up neutralizing everything and leaving a rather blank canvas and dry aftertaste.


— Kevin Keegan

Category: Spins, Weekly

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