Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Glam preview

| April 5, 2006

Boss Martians, The Sirens
Viaduct Theater, Chicago
Saturday, April 8, 2006

If The Darkness were an all-female band with a punk edge fronted by a Joan Jett kind of gal they wouldn’t be The Darkness, they’d be The Sirens. Opening for the next Killers-Strokes-Muse posse, Boss Martians, The Sirens justifiably may steal Saturday’s show at the Viaduct Theater.

The Martians are well on their way to being press darlings — covers of music magazines aplenty are waiting on the horizon. But if The Sirens can translate their sizzling, foot-tapping, head-bopping energy to a stage show they will make press types already dubbing Martians the next big thing say, or at least think, “Boss Martians who?”

Listening to The Sirens, fantasies of a female ensemble with the glamour of Karen O., presence of Debbie Harry, and antics of Justin Hawkins in drag dance like sugarplums in the subconscious. Could this be the return of rock ‘n’ roll to rock ‘n’ roll? None of this MySpace accessibility bullshit, just good old-fashioned rock stars equipped with outrageous stage shows that leave audience members shaking from adrenaline and screaming “That was fu*king awesome!” One can surely dream.

But if The Sirens don’t live up to the internal hype, then it’s a good thing Boss Martians are headlining. “I Am Your Radio,” not found on their demo, is an infectious sing-along that is certain to be a pleaser.

Long story short, April 8th at Viaduct Theater is confidently going to be a one-for-two win for the audience that has the utmost potential of turning into the ultimate two-for-two win in the arena of quality music.

Angie Maldonado

Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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  1. Mr. Pleasure says:

    What about the local cyber punks, The Peelers, I hear they have one hell of a new album coming out on Beercan Records this summer called Let’s Detonate!

    Lick my Pleasure

  2. Marcel Duchamp says:

    If you’re in need of razor sharp-cut-your-face-off and melt your lower-east-side suede pull-up boots then by all means get there by 10PM to check out The Peelers!!!!

    You know what I’m f***ng saying?

  3. Thanks for the write up! But that’s not a photo of the Sirens…we’re much taller than those chicks, and more glittery.

    The Sirens
    Detroit, USA

  4. John Battles says:

    This is my 3rd attempt , you guys….. Thanks i.e. , and Melody , of course , for verifying that it’s THEE Sirens from Detroit playing tonight , and not somebody else. The Reader only had a microscopic listing for the show , which I nearly missed (We don’t all have 20/20 vision.) , the Viaduct only had an announcement that their New Year’s Eve show was sold out on their machine. This could easily have been the best show of ’06 that you , I , and lots of other people , would have missed. Welcome to Chicago , Sirens. Kill’em at The Hot Klub Tonite. John Battles R.P.M.F.