Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

The Spirit That Guides Us CD Review

| March 29, 2006

The Spirit That Guides Us
North And South

Is the world ready for a Dutch, nu-emo/indie rock hybrid? The Spirit That Guides Us deeply hope they’re them.

There are so many ideas on North And South, yet none of them are arranged in working order. Having beaucoup rock influences is a great base for any band, but knowing what to do with them is a skill. Trail Of Dead are a good place to start, but what’s with the Prince synths on “Making Beds In A Burning House”? “Class Of ’98” soars as a midtempo, emo anthem, making one wonder what the fuck is going on with “All The Way To The U.S.A.” and “Concertina Crash.” North and south are two easily identifiable and specific pieces, but to TSTGU, they must look like a million.


— Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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