Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

The Soda Pop Kids CD Review

| March 29, 2006

The Soda Pop Kids
Write Home
(Full Breach Kicks)

Chicago label’s latest offering is a relocated Portland-via-Denver proto punk incarnate. And you thought they only made this stuff in L.A. nowadays.

Fixing American glam rock in the post-Sunset Strip metal world right takes a lot of unlearning, and The Soda Pop Kids went as sloppily as they could at Write Home. One of the biggest mistakes New York Dolls clones make is trying to build a career on their purposefully dead-end ideas, but “Bop It Up!” and “Electric Blood” are as no-future as it gets. Jonny P. Jewels’ nails-on-chalkboard vocals can be a close second to scraping the back of your hand on plywood, and the rest of the band sounds as dependable as Aerosmith at their coke zombie ’70s low. But that’s the point, and Soda Pop Kids are a heroin casualty away from being the genuine article.


— Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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