Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Cindy Woolf Preview

| March 29, 2006

Cindy Woolf
Schubas, Chicago
Saturday, April 1, 2006

Although nothing terribly unique or groundbreaking, bluegrass singer-songwriter Cindy Woolf possesses a couple things that many of her country contemporaries sorely lack: sincerity and heart.

On her full-length debut, Simple And Few (May Apple), Woolf displays enough charm and warmth that even the most jaded and cynical of listeners can’t help but be affected. Channeling everyone from Dolly Parton to Loretta Lynn, and even a little Victoria Williams, Woolf’s capable of everything from incredibly tender and longing-filled love songs like “Cloudy Head” and “Fun For A Few Days,” to spunkier and sassier numbers like “I Told Them All About You” and “Nobody’s Wife.” But besides her obvious talent for songwriting, it’s her voice that really stands out, often sounding like the musical equivalent of a familiar touch long missed or the voice on the other end of the line that you’ve been waiting to hear from all night.

With this winning combination of witty and earnest lyrics and intimate and heartfelt vocals, Woolf exhibits a talent and presence that’s all too rare in this age of tabloid and reality show divas. For someone all of 25 years of age, though, Woolf’s already ahead of the pack.

Woolf, Chicago Fire, and Mark Bilyeu open for Backyard Tire Fire at Saturday’s late show. Rachael Sage and Greg Sorrell play a separate show beginning at 7 p.m.

— Dean Ramos

Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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