Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

The Rogers Sisters CD Review

| March 15, 2006

The Rogers Sisters
The Invisible Deck
(Too Pure)

What was once a dream gig, being named among the Williamsburg elite might hurt The Rogers Sisters.

The problem with being a New York band might stem from the hyperculture that comes with it. It doesn’t matter if you’re on the Bowery, in Action Park, sipping whatever in Williamsburg, or distancing yourself in Queens. Without constant saturation, you will slip from the spotlight. The Rogers Sisters’ place on the radar depended on the success of The Strokes, Liars, Kills, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and others, and now that interest has subsided (actually, moved on), they’re down to themselves as a resource.

Luckily, they have what it takes. Whether songs themselves are enough for a scene B-lister remains to . . . you know. The Invisible Deck, judging by the Three Fingers EP, shouldn’t be as good as it is. Eschewing the jumpy, “me! me! ME!” of the disco punk death march, the album opens avenues that aren’t perfected, but at least opened. “Your Littlest World” slows things down for seemingly the first time, and the euphoria manages to rise above typical Velvet Underground flag raising. The staccato guitar line that opens “You Undecided” pulls them back toward the Le Tigre avenues they love to haunt, but they were clever enough to arrive with the X-y “Emotion Control” to put intentions to progress in stone.


— Kevin Keegan

Appearing: March 22 at Schubas in Chicago.

Category: Spins, Weekly

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