Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Say What?

| February 1, 2006

Say Anything
… Is A Real Boy

Major label reissue of the slow-burning indie “it” story, blurring lines of not only reality, but also Bright Eyes and Weezer.

The joke is on someone. Is A Real Boy is supposedly the brainchild of teenage freakout victim Max Bemis, whose opinions on rock stardom, commercialism, morality, and what to wear today collided in a synapse meltdown. A rock opera was built out of it, but deconstructed and released two years ago on indie Doghouse. Its mocking tone suggests self-awareness, and by so closely tracing the steps of Bright Eyes and Weezer (and former Weezer tourmates, The Figgs) it’s tempting to file this under the smug grins of Ben Kweller and Ween. But giving away its ironic posturing is the fierce, teen anger that cut through Nirvana’s Nevermind and pulled back layer after layer of sincerity. “Yellow Cat (Slash) Red Cat” dines on this duplicity, marrying an agitated, Isaac Brock rant with gang-chant backup vocals, making a pitch for both the fist-pumping Warped kids and the indie hounds.

The dedication, however, to preserving the mystery between genuine sentiment and rock-opera sarcasm is so resolute it’s overwhelming. Unfortunately, Say Anything need you to stick it out with them, and you’ll figure out early on whether you want to.


Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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