Mump In The Road
Measles Mumps Rubella
Fantastic Success
(Doubling Cube)
Dancin’ D.C. punks whip through seven-song, half-hour debut “album.”
Measles Mumps Rubella have a destructive method of delivering genre du jour dance punk, completely avoiding the wannabe dancefloor jams of !!!, Out Hud, The Rapture, and whatever else. Yes, there are hundreds like MMR producing Talking Heads disco that hits walls unexpectedly, but “Libra Science” introduces Jane’s Addiction mushroom meals, and the pressure created by “Hollow Bodies” is like throwing hand grenades straight up and wondering when they’ll explode. It’s when things completely break down, however, Rubella ditch too much skill and miss their exit. Keeping them from doing it on an album length release might prove problematic.
— Steve Forstneger
Click here to download “Fantastic Success.”
Appearing: May 9 at Empty Bottle in Chicago.