Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl


| February 22, 2006

Latrice Barnett

Dance club lite tracks exhibit more anonymity than soul on Five Point Plan vocalist’s solo debut.

My fiancée rang once while I was listening to this CD at home, and I had to lie and say I was shopping at Express — for men, wise guy — because she wouldn’t have believed me otherwise. Not that there’s anything wrong with shopping at Express; their clothes are often fine enough to encourage you to dance at work and work at the club. Latrice would want that. She floats effortlessly, stylishly through Illuminate‘s 15 tracks stopping to sleep a little on “Lessons Learned” and talk about coincidence on “Déjà Vu.” After that, it’s back to Express. Does this come in a large?


Steve Forstneger

Appearing: February 27 at Green Dolphin St. in Chicago.

Category: Spins, Weekly

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