Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Quietdrive CD Review

| January 25, 2006

Fall From The Ceiling

“I always wanna be a mystery” and other ironic lyrics, brought to you by Quietdrive.

What was it about the late ’70s, where arena rock bands existed in a separate vacuum from the singer-songwriters? Ever since grunge rock and Kurt Cobain, mainstream rock has adjusted to introspective lyricism, even if it did so unimaginatively or brutishly. Quietdrive carry on the new tradition, running through “save me” themes as if they invented them, and all of this is the primer to a forthcoming full-length (When All That’s Left Is You). Three songs never felt like so many. Oh, and they’re emo.


— Steve Forstneger

Appearing: January 28 at Beat Kitchen in Chicago.

Category: Spins, Weekly

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