Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Story Of The CD Review

| December 14, 2005

Story Of The Year
In The Wake Of Determination

Sure, debating the worth of Story Of The Year is like bartering with cigarette butts, yet In The Wake Of Determination could prove an invaluable document.

There is what emo was, and what killed it. Story Of The Year are neither, just an innocent bystander in a label feeding frenzy that launched them into teenage lore and the cultural garbage pail. Obviously, any band with the statement “they live for it and deliver” in their bio lives for and delivers nada, but the cliche ridden Determination is a signpost, an engravement detailing the “how to make an emo album” instructions without pride or passion. Plus, we like it when bands who sell records for a living shout things like “We won’t be sold.” Errrr . . .


Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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