Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Milemarker CD review

| December 14, 2005


Whatever’s wrong, it ain’t Milemarker’s fault.

Milemarker spends Ominosity blaming outside forces for the world’s imperfections, never once looking inward or offering solutions. Simply: We’re fucked. “Life goes on after the damage is done,” “The scientific community convened and decreed that the human race was done,” “I guess I feel like I’ve run this race too long.” Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Anyone can paint with black; that’s why they make colors. Speaking of which, the departure of keyboardist Roby Newton deprives them of the new wave-y musical hue that was Milemarker’s stock-in-trade, stripping it down to Fugazi 101, just another drop in the post-hardcore bucket.


Steve Forstneger

Click here to download “Foodchain.”

Category: Spins, Weekly

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